Tuesday 30 December 2014

"The Hangover" 2009, 2001, 2013 USA, by Todd Phillips

The Hangover is one of the most ethically hilarious stories of a bunch of best mates exploring the unforgettable nights, or shall I say "days", of their lives prior to the wedding day of their best friend.
Each part of The Hangover has enormous amount of comedy elements to offer the audience whether it is the stolen cop car, the lost baby, the stolen tiger or the mysterious monkey. It is a rather fast pace comedy with a great sense of sentiment. It is absolutely well written and the story sets in some of the most known party destinations of the world. 

I think Todd Phillips has done an exceptional job in directing the movies. So as Zach Galifianakis's performance as Alen, a little boy who lives inside a 40 year-old male body, is ridiculously adorable. 
I must admit the fact that this is the movie that I discovered Bradley Cooper, who plays Phil, for the first time. In my opinion, I think the character really appeals to me as a fun and lighthearted character with great sense of leadership. And Ed Helms plays a softy character of Stu with a modest dentist exterior who later on discovered the secret demon within himself.

I call myself a comedy fan, and this is one (or three) of my favourite movie(s). The story takes place in the crazy pre-perceived destinations of party and wildness that I think I never really get to experience in the same light with what the characters do, nor I really want to in person. I think the director really put me in the audience seat as a "peeping Tom". I am exploring the journey of the unknown in desperation of seeing what going to happen to the secret that the characters are trying to keep and the problems they are trying to solve. I think the layering of obstacles and time limit pressure my excitement more and more as the story progresses.

I think what I love about the film, as a female audience, is that I get to explore the unknown territory of male friendship and their exclusive world on a hilariously beautiful journey.

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